onset of disease

英 [ˈɒnset ɒv dɪˈziːz] 美 [ˈɑːnset əv dɪˈziːz]

网络  发病



  1. 'So, a vicious circle then develops, leading to a society that is over-fed but under-nourished.' And overeating leads to obesity whilst stressing the body, which in turn can lead to the onset of chronic disease. '
  2. Scientists were able to successfully treat infected primates following the onset of disease symptoms.
  3. A sudden onset of disease is known as an Addisonian crisis, which may be rapidly fatal.
  4. The onset of disease symptoms usually occurs two to five days after infection with the bacteria, but can range from one to ten days.
  5. The onset of the disease is usually gradual, starting with fever, general weakness, and malaise.
  6. Generally more acute onset of the disease, and even in the joint disease ankylosing spondylitis ago.
  7. The onset of this disease may resemble the prodromal period of icteric hepatitis.
  8. If, at the onset of a disease, we realize that it's here to help us, first of all the fear that serious disease engenders won't be there, and it's this fear that causes a lot of the suffering.
  9. Onset of the disease coupled with complex partial seizures alone is rarely seen in tuberculous meningitis cases.
  10. Investigation on elopement thought of hospitalized psychiatric patients INVESTIGATION OF THE MANNER OF PSYCHOTICS TO VISIT PHYSICIAN DURING FIRST ONSET OF DISEASE
  11. Alzheimer's disease has been linked with inflammation, and researchers have assumed that anti-inflammatory drugs might help delay onset of the disease.
  12. Markers such as this one are useful because they may help clinicians distinguish between men who are at risk for earlier onset of disease where intensive screening approaches can be discussed.
  13. The age of patients at the onset of disease histological characteristics of sacrococcygeal tumors are analysed in this report.
  14. Analysis of Step Regression on the Psychological Distress Factors of Psoriatics before Onset of Disease
  15. The numbers of CD 4+ and CD 8+ in peripheral blood of 13 patients with SARS significantly decreased from the first to fourth week since the onset of disease, especially prominent in the second week.
  16. Clinical analysis of renal tubular acidosis in 8 newborn infants is reported. Age of onset of the disease was less than 20 days of life.
  17. Investigation of 116 stroke inpatient's knowledge about the onset of disease
  18. DISCUSSION The mobile cecum complex and the superior mesenteric artery constriction complex are related to congenital aplasia, acquired body condition and nerve disorders and the onset of this disease has a causality.
  19. Conclusion The patients older than 8 years at the onset of disease and in the lateral pillar B or C group should be treated with surgical containment, Chiari osteotomy can fulfill such task.
  20. Stroke can be the direct cause of dementia and may also produce dementia by precipitating the onset of degenerative disease.
  21. Methods Serum VEGF level was determined by ELISA in 32 patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage during different phases ( with in 24 h, at 3,7, and 14 d after the onset of disease), and 30 healthy controls were included.
  22. Onset of the disease in patients with a serious impact on the work and life, seriously ill can lead to paralysis, loss of earning capacity, increasing social burdens.
  23. Because the onset of disease is often sudden and the course rapid, treatment is often ineffective, and mortality rate is very high.
  24. Its clinical manifestations include the acute onset of the disease, fever, dangerous symptoms and the impairment of yin.
  25. Excess in superficiality are cold retained, qi stagnation, blood stasis and obstruction by phlegm. Deficiency in origin are deficiency of qi, blood, yin and yang. Deficiency of heart-qi is the essence of onset of disease and the key of pathogenesis.
  26. No obvious harbinger of its prior to the onset of disease 、 acute symptoms of weight, mortality and high morbidity.